Monday, 21 September 2020

Scrambled Sentences.

 Today we are writing about how to make a sandwich. 

First we get two pieces bread. 

Next you butter the slices of bread.

After that put two pieces down of ham. 

Add some tasty  cheese on the ham. 

Finally your into much yummy.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

2 Times table

Scrambled sentencen

 Today we are writing about what we do at school.

First we put our bag and lunchbox away.

Next we do the Waiata. and karakia.

We do our reading and writing in the morning.

After morning tea we do Maths.

After lunch we do Art or inquiry.


Monday, 7 September 2020

Seramlbed sentences

 Today we are writing how to be a friend.

Good friends say kind words to each.

They say sorry when they have bone something wrong.

Good friends take turns and their things. 

It is always include other.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Garfield Punctuation

 Garfield slams his face down onto the table in despair. My iced coffee is cold. Jon questions. Duh Jon Quips Garfield waits patiently for Jon to realise what he has said. And there's ice in it. says Jon feeling so confused. Garfield and Jon stare wearily at their morning coffee... Garfield and suggest do something right?Garfield points at the ceiling and declares which Counts as doing something.